Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bingo night for criminals

Well, I suppose this is just pure spite on the part of the Obama administration. In response to my recent illegal immigration post they have officially opened what I call Illegaland (or maybe "Dozens of flags entertainment!"), a brand-new illegal immigration resort. This place has everything a law-breaker could ask for, including bingo, movie night, free cable and HD, Internet, self-improvement classes and Pilate's dance classes. All free! Well, not for the law-abiding tax payer. But for the morons who chose not to follow our laws and pay taxes, it's a wonderland! What? Send them back where they came from? Heck no! That would be just wrong! Let's let them sit here in our country and feed off of our money!

Sounds crazy, right? The worst part is that I'm not making this stuff up. If you read my blog you know I like to be satirical. With this administration, though, I'm kind of out of a job. They're being so insanely stupid with taxpayer dollars that all I have to do is report the news and it's funny to those that don't know it's the truth.

Look, if we provide these people with accommodations that are better than the place they come from, what's to discourage everyone else to come here illegally? Detainment centers are sometimes better off then most middle-class homes in other countries. Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Doing so means breaking our laws. Just like stealing, murdering, or any of the other crimes you can commit. How would we all feel if a thief was getting to sit back and watch Dumbo in prison? Sometimes... I just don't understand...

Coragon, signing off.

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