For those of you who don't know, I have two dogs.
One is an English Springer Spaniel named Ginger, the other is a Schnoodle named Pepper(part Schnauzer, part Poodle, both miniature. The result: a really small dog). Pepper, despite being our smallest dog, is also our bravest dog. Even to the point of barking at a Great Dane across the street that is being walked by a nine year old. Not only does she have the self-appointed job of protecting us from other dogs, but also cats, seagulls, horses, snakes, rabbits, and vacuums. And...ducks. Especially ducks. For some reason, both of our dogs have an inbred fear and hatred of all birds. Pepper especially hunts them with a zealous determination. This was demonstrated at our last campground.
At the last campground we stayed in, there were many ducks. Much to the frustration of Pepper, they had no fear of leashed nine pound dogs. So, Pepper resigned herself to barking endlessly at the very undisturbed ducks until either she fainted of exhaustion or until the ducks got off our spot. Neither result was accomplished before we left. When we leave, mom usually leaves the window open for the dogs to see out. Pepper was looking out the window at the ducks and making some kind of gurgling noise that was as close as she could muster to a real growl. Something must have snapped. She must have decided to give the ducks one last scare before we left. The window of our truck must be four feet of the ground. To a small dog, that's like me jumping off the top of a one story building. Pepper has always hesitated to jump any distance, even two feet. She did not hesitate that day. She leaped out the window with all four paws outstretched like Underdog trying to get as much hang time as she could before she hit the ground with a yelp. Not missing a beat she leaped up and scrambled all jets to get to those ducks. The ducks scattered like quail. Mom, however, has been trapped in the car this whole time throwing her hands around and calling Pepper's name uselessly. She couldn't simply leap out of the car after the dog because the car doors hadn't been unlocked yet. When she finally did barrel out of the car, Pepper was still barking and running around in circles chasing ducks. The thing about ducks is they will not take flight until they are sure there is no other solution. Why? The main reason is that they are fatter then a stuffed sausage. One of the ducks went airborne and confused poor Pepper. In the few seconds it took her to figure out she doesn't have wings, mom snatched her and abducted her back to the truck. Pepper had no guilt. In fact, she looked rather smug.
Is this normal for little dogs? Or do we just have a special case?
Coragon, quacking off. (haha, get it?)
You are not alone Cory. Savannah loves to chase the ducks at the park. She would probably love to see what they taste like if we let her have the chance. I guess it just in schnauzars to eat creatures that fly.